Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ready for catching the "WAVE"

Woohoo this is my first post in April! Anyway, HAPPY EASTER everyone!

Finally I got my easter break for 2 weeks, nyehehehehe :3 Setelah melewati berbagai sakit penyakit and semua kesibukan, gw bisa nyantei2 jugaa. Well di easter break kali ini, ada new thing yg bikin gw SUPER EXCITED! Soooooo... gw and beberapa teman gereja lagi belajar surfing :3 and I really really LOVE IT! To be honest, from the first time I came here, gw pengen banget belajar surfing... Tapi agak males juga yaa kalo belajar ga ada temennya. But then one of my friend finally ngajakin buat ikutan surfing lessons di Scarborough beach. YEY! Kita jadinya ikutan yg 5 lessons and so far baru 2 lessons yg kita ambil and we've 2 hours per lesson.

For me, the first time belajar surfing tuh so exciting yet tiring! I think the first 1 hour, kerjaan gw cuma tiduran di atas surfboard kalo ada wave, balik lagi ngelawan arus sambil bawa2 surfboard yg segede gaban, dan begitu terussss sampe gw hampir setengah hopeless. Setelah 1 jem-an kita terdampar, coach kita suruh kita get out from the beach and dia jelasin lagi kalo kita mesti make sure the first and second step itu bener supaya bisa berdiri. I think all of us emang salah di 1st and 2nd step makanya gak bisa stand up. HAHA. Akhir cerita pokoknya kita semua uda lumayan ngerti and bisa stand up on a surfboard! WOOHOOO! Capekkkkk banget abis surfing tapi terbayarkan pas kita bisa stand up! Hehehe...

Well, berlanjut ke 2nd lesson which was yesterday morning. Most of us udah much better than the 1st lesson. Udah mulai dapet feeling nya to stand up on a board and also, catch the wave! Cos gw inget banget on the 1st day, kita semua masih bengong2 gitu nungguin wave. Ga tau kapan catch the wave and jump on a board :3 Well di hari kedua ini, kita diajarin buat bisa meliuk-liuk sedikit ke kiri dan ke kanan (halah, apa coba bahasa guee) and to be honest, gw belajar banyaak banget! Termasuk belajar soal arti kehidupan (ngomong sambil ditampar ombak). Ehem ehem, so berikut beberapa hal yg terlintas di otak gue pas lagi surfing...

1. Success is Relative 
Waktu belajar surfing bareng temen2 gw, we're all different. Ada yg udah bisa stand up on a board agak lama di hari pertama, ada yg bisa stand up tapi abis itu langsung nyemplung lagi, ada yg cuma tiduran doang di surfboard, pokoknya macem2. Pas di hari kedua, ada yg udah bisa meliuk2 dikit (gue udaaah bisa, YEY HULA HULA), ada yg akhirnya bisa stand up, pokoknya macem2 BUT the same thing from all of us, we  made some progress and all of us are happy for what we've achieved yesterday. Gak ada yg bisa bilang kalo baru bisa stand up on the 2nd lesson tuh gagal whatsoever cos cuma kita yg tau progress yg udah kita buat, cuma kita yg tau what's the true meaning of success.

Mungkin most of people think, sukses itu diukur dari rentetan gelar yg lu dapet, berapa banyak duit yg lu punya, kepintaran otak lu yg bisa di-compare sama om Einstein, begitu seterusnya.. But for me, success is relative. Maybe for my parents, as long as gw udah bisa finish my TAFE and bisa biayain hidup gw sendiri, gw udah jadi orang sukses but not for some parents. Ada yg mikir anaknya udah sukses kalo at least have master degree, but for my parents it's not really important and it's not kind of success that they want. Well, kalo kata cowok gue, the process itself is much more important than the result. Kalo misalnya kita achieve great result from school or uni but the whole process nya kita nyontek, then what's the point of having a great result? Can people say that we're already successful? So for me, jangan gampang kepengaruh sama orang2 diluar sana yg suka kasih advice or opinion yg gak membangun about our future cos cuma kita sendiri yg tau about our future, our progress, our achievement, our passion, and the true meaning of success.

2. Don't give up! Be patient and persistent
Actually ini gabungan antara surfing sama cell group. HAHA. Jadi abis surfing kemaren ini, gw lanjut cell group gitu and topiknya pas lagi di chapter 25 (Transformed by Trouble) dari buku The Purpose Driven Life. Nah ada 2 hal yg gw dapet dari sini... Pertama, don't give up! The 1st lesson, kita capekk banget and gw sendiri rasanya udah pengen nyerah. Sempet mikir sih, "Aduh apa iya ya gw bisa stand up on a surfboard? Gw bener2 niat gak ya buat surfing apa cuma iseng gak jelas doangg yaaa... etc" Tapi all of us keep trying and trying hard. Walopun gagal, harus balik lagi, capek ngelawan wave and mungkin gagal lagiii buat stand up, tapi kita tetep mau usaha buat bisa stand up on a surfboard and pas berhasil, rasanya SENENGG banget! Same thing happened on the 2nd lesson and we keep trying sampe bisa berdiri and sedikit belok2 ke kiri and ke kanan :p Be patient and persistent! Kita gak tau kan siapa tau aja pas detik2 kita udah mau nyerah, sebenernya that precious thing is jusssttt around the corner and like I said before, we only have 2 hours per lesson and we've to do our best within 2 hours. On that day, my friend said, "We've a time limit." Selama kita hidup, kita juga ada time limit, gak ada yg pernah tau besok kita still in this world or not so just do your best, keep trying hard on whatever you do, whatever problems that you face... of course with God's help :) (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

And the next thing is...

3. Rejoice and give thanks
".....God tells us to give thanks in all circumstances not for all circumstances. God doesn't expect you to be thankful for evil, for sin, for suffering, or for their painful consequences in the world. Instead, God wants you to thank Him that He will use your problems to fulfill his purposes."

Dan ini salah 1 part yg gw suka dari chapter 25 ini. Okay maybe just make it this way, anggep aja pas surfing, wave it's your problems and when you know how to "play" with it, it'll make your life much easier. For me, if you don't have any "wave" in your life, you'll never see the kindness of God in your life, you'll never feel the power from God that make you strong enough to face all "wave" in your life, and the most important thing you don't know how to rejoice and give thanks for everything that He has done in your life.

Segitu aja post pembuka dari gw di bulan April ini. Semoga ini bisa jadi bahan renungan buat orang2 yg baik sengaja atau tidak sengaja mampir ke blog gw siang ini. Doain smoga gw and temen2 gw makin lihai meliuk-liukan tubuh di atas papan surfing yaaa di lesson berikutnya! :3

Don't be afraid to catch the wave!

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